DG Trevor Blake visits Aruba

Kibrahacha 60+
The second project on the schedule was a visit to Kibrahacha 60+. The foundation was established on the initiative of the Rotary Club of Aruba back in 1983. In 1985 the foundation opened its doors to provide services for the elderly on Aruba. Members of Kibrahacha 60+ can enjoy the following services: Transportation to and from location, dance and exercise classes, internet and social media training, arts & crafts activities and more. Up until today the foundation receives funds from the Rotary Club of Aruba. Rotarians are also part of the board of the foundation.
The Prime Minister of Aruba, Mrs. Evelyne Wever-Croes, also attended the presentation of Kibrahacha. Afterwards an informative tour was given to our DG and ADG of the facilities.
YMCA was also founded as an initiative of the Rotary Club of Aruba. DG Trevor and all present received a presentation by the General Secretary (Director) of YMCA. A tour of the facilities was arranged for the DG and ADG to give an impression of the different advantages this can provide to the youth. Rotarians play an active role within the foundation by being part of the board. YMCA receives annual monetary support from the Rotary Club of Aruba.

Lunch with the Board of Directors
The morning program ended with a lunch with the Board of Directors at Windows Restaurant. During this lunch meeting President America and her board enlightened the DG with the Board plans and projects for the Rotary year 2019-20.
General Meeting
DG Trevor attended the Monday General Meeting and elaborated on the plans of District 7030 for the Rotary year. The General Meeting was a fellowship night where Rotarians were joined by partners in service as well as Rotaractors and Interactors.
The Rotary Club of Aruba was pleased to have DG Trevor and ADG Rita on the island. Thank you to all Rotarians to make this visit a reality and success.